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Restore wealth to Black communities through economic empowerment and resource allocation.


The Rebuild Black Business team consists of volunteers across the globe. We're developers, designers, marketers, project managers, policy makers, and web professionals. We came together with the collective goal of driving change and playing a part in restoring wealth to Black communities.


When I started Render-Atlanta in 2019, I didn't have anywhere to turn when things got rough. I felt intimidated. The hard part wasn't trying to make sales, or figuring out what product to bring to market. I needed to figure out the basics, like getting funding, doing market research, and getting an LLC. I promised that I would share this knowledge with our communities once I figured it out. This was easier said than done. Scaling is challenging. I often had to turn people away when they asked for help because I was overcommitted already. This year, it's been heartbreaking to watch what's happening to our community of business owners. Between COVID shutdowns, rioting, and social unease, businesses are struggling. Many don't know where or how to find the information and resources they need to keep afloat. This is where Rebuild Black Business (RBB) comes in. RBB will be a shepherd and aggregator of community resources. It will connect allies to Black-owned businesses. Even after the current situation begins to resolve and months tick by, these businesses will still need our help. In order for our community to survive and thrive despite systematic oppression, we need to REBUILD Black business. Justin E. Samuels


aerial view of group of people putting their hands into the middle


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